Jointly developing ethical practices with our stakeholders

Image showing a visit to WAGABOX. About a dozen people wearing reflective vests and hard hats.

We are committed to adopting best practices in relation to our stakeholders, by adhering to ISO 14001 and 9001 standards, which promote quality, focus on environmental impact and social responsibility. 


We jointly develop partnerships based on trust, transparency and shared values, governed by long-term contracts (10 to 20 years). 

This environment of cooperation and trust provides a solid foundation for long-term collaborations that enhance our expertise and strengthen our collective performance. 

Image showing three Waga Energy employees in front of a WAGABOX unit.

Listed on the Euronext market since 2021, Waga Energy adopts an exemplary mode of governance, in accordance with the Middlenext Code. 

Our Audit, Commitment, Appointments and Remuneration and CSR Committees ensure responsible risk and compliance management. 


A charter of stock market ethics and a code of conduct guide our employees, directors and partners in complying with applicable laws and regulations

Our whistleblowing portal also reinforces our transparency, complemented by anti-corruption training and internal and external audits that guarantee irreproachable corporate ethics. 



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