Waga Energy has injected 58 million cubic meters of Renewable Natural Gas (RNG, also known as biomethane) into the French gas grid since the first WAGABOX® unit was commissioned in February 2017.
It is as much fossil natural gas that has not been imported! Since biomethane has an emission factor five times lower than natural gas according to the Ademe Carbon Base1, this production contributes directly to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The 15 units in operation today have avoided the emission of 100,000 tons of CO2e into the atmosphere, which corresponds to the annual emissions of about 55,000 gasoline-powered cars.
In 2022, the fleet of WAGABOX® units injected 737,000 mmBtu (216 GWh) of RNG, which represents the consumption of about 35,000 recent gas-heated homes. RNG production increased by 49% compared to 2021, thanks to the start-up of four new units, including a large capacity unit in Claye-Souilly (near Paris).
Waga Energy has undertaken the construction of seven new WAGABOX® units during the year 2022, of which five in France and two in Canada. Waga Energy’s ambition is to reach a production capacity of 13,640,000 mmBtu/year (4 TWh/year) by the end of 2026, avoiding the emission of 660,000 tons of CO2e.
1 Ademe’s carbon base: 0.205 kgCO2e/kWh HCV for natural gas and 0.0395 kgCO2e/kWh HCV for RNG